MARTINA STOCK - electroacoustic Harp with Light
A visual perfroming Soundsculptur
Video | Martina Stock | electroacoutisc harp with ligth
From the very beginning, it was my love for a very special instrument,
the harp, which has always been an inspiration for my artistic work.
The result is an individual interpretation of my favorite instrument,
which is deliberately different from the classical image of the harp.
MARTINA STOCK - electroacoustic Harp with Light
"A visual performing Soundsculpture"
Martina Stock, Neoharpist,
is a harpist known for her fusion of classical harp and electronic music.
Her compositions range from melodic pieces to energetic tracks
that underline the diversity of this musical project.
The melody of the lead harp, which can also be perceived
as "singing", as singing narratives, merge with the
rhythmic beats and electronic sounddesign.
Martina Stock's compositions are located in the areas of
neo-classical, electro and film music.
The live performance, "A visual performing Soundsculpture" shows an
innovative interplay of light, sound, movements and technology.
The harp, an instrument with a long history in classical music,
finds a refreshing reinterpretation in this interplay.
The boundaries between tradition and avant-garde are blurred.
BOOKINGS please here
BLUE EYE SKY | Tina Marti - electroacoustic harp

Martina Stock is a harpist and artist,
known for her fusion of classical harp and electronic music.
She studied art at the Kunstuniversität Mozarteum Salzburg,
at the the Naturwissenschaftliche Universität Salzburg,
was awarded an Erasmus scholarship to pursue her studies in Cracow
and then continued her studies at the Universität der Künste Berlin,
graduating in 2009 with Master‘s degrees.
Between 2010 - 2015 she was supported by study grants from the
City of Vienna and Künstlerhaus Salzburg.
From 2015 - 2018 she was a scholashipholder at the Starke Foundation in Berlin.
In 2010 she was co-founder and solo harpist of Ciference Symphony.
After the resolution of this project in 2016, she founded her solo project
MARTINA STOCK | electroacoustic Harp with Light in 2017.
She performs as a solo harpist with her own repertoire.
In Europe as well as in Asia she fascinates her audience
with her music and her novel interpretation of harp playing.
Concert invitations have taken her to places like: (selection)
Concerts (selection)
EU: Pop Kultur 2024 Festival Berlin,
Maschinenhaus Kulturbrauerei Berlin,
Österreichisches Kulturforum Berlin,
Zionskirche Berlin, 100 Jahre Flughafen Tempelhof Berlin,
Berliner Hoffest im rotem Ratthaus,
Zig Zag Club Berlin, Moritzbastei Leipzig,
Valentiny Foundation Luxembourg, St. Pauli Kirche Hamburg
JAPAN: Smart Illumination Festival in Yokohama, Tokyo
CHINA: Oriental Art Center Shanghai,
Forbidden City Concert Hall Peking, Wuhan Qintai
Concert Hall, Grand Theatre Concert Hall Shandong;
Her own compositions are part of her
audiovisual installations and performances
100 FEMAEL VOICES - Portraits of significant female artists
from 100 years of the Salzburg Festival,
The Red Morpheus, The Blue Eros,
The White Mountain And The Red Rising Sun,
Clacking Mills Down In The Valley;
Support: Ólafur Arnalds, Muffatwerk München,
Sonic Morgue #15 for Gloria de Oliveira & Dean
Hurly, Kuppelhalle Silent Green, Berlin
Supported by Initiative Musik, Popstipendium für Newcomer:in,
Musicboard Berlin, Stadt Salzburg;
Her 2nd solo album „Tina Marti - electroacoustic Harp“ was created
in the Hansa Studios Berlin and in the Trixx Studios Berlin.
The Record Release Concert was on the 24 of March 2024
at the Maschienenhaus in the Kulturbrauerei Berlin.